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 OLD FANFIC REQUEST. Lupo/Ezio (♂♂ = 18+ only. M for Sex and Violence. :U )

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✠ Lupo - The Prowler
✠ Lupo - The Prowler

Posts : 40
Join date : 2011-07-07
Location : Roma, Italia

OLD FANFIC REQUEST. Lupo/Ezio (♂♂ = 18+ only. M for Sex and Violence. :U ) Empty
PostSubject: OLD FANFIC REQUEST. Lupo/Ezio (♂♂ = 18+ only. M for Sex and Violence. :U )   OLD FANFIC REQUEST. Lupo/Ezio (♂♂ = 18+ only. M for Sex and Violence. :U ) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 09, 2011 7:17 am

Il Lupo ran as fast as he could to outrun the assassin, whome of which was gaining quickly. His breath broke into a pant, and legs began to tire, slowing him down in turn. The Prowler circled around a corner and pressed his back up against the solid stone structural of the building, and closed his eyes, panting heavily. He'd hoped that he Assassin wouldn't have seen this through the crowed, but he yelped upon feeling a hand at his throat. His eyes opened wide to become glued to the assassins face. It was Ezio; Ezio Auditore-- the notorious assassin. A grin was upon the man's bearded face which sent a tremble down the prowler's spine. He gulped thickly, and wished he could go invisible, but this thought was haulted at the sound of the Assassin's voice suddenly breaking the frightening silence. "You run fast, Templar, but not fast enough. Where are they meeting?" Ezio questioned the man.

The Templar gulped again and lifted his hands to grab onto Ezio's wrist; he was too worn out from running to be able to pry the hand from his throat. "I'll never tell you!" the prowler shouted in hopes that a guard may hear and get him free from the assassin, but no sooner had he said this, Ezio's arm lifted, and hand shifted into a fist as the hidden blade shot out into sight. "You will tell me." He said in a low tone, narrowing his eyes at the prowler, who'se own eyes widened some. Lupo was the only one with the information aside from the group of templars who were just waiting for the prowler to show now. "I refuse!" The man growled and spat into the Assassin's face. Ezio's time was growing short; the meeting was going to start soon, with or without the prowler; he could feel it in his bones.

Narrowing his eyes, Ezio slipped his hidden blade away, and gripped the Prowler's shoulders, forcing him down to the ground without even the slightest bit of trouble. "There are other ways to persuade you into talking." The assassin muttered, bringing himself down ontop of the man. Gripping the Assassin's wrist tighter, Lupo began to squirm violently. His head tilted back to look to the outer way of the alley, but not a single soul was in view-- it was then that he felt a sharp pain in his right arm; and it showed through a an even more sudden yell. Ezio grinned at this, and repeated it on the other arm, jabbing one of 15 long-blade daggers down into the ground through the other arm-- again, the prowler shouted and whimpered. He couldn't move his arms, it hurt far too much, and he didn't want to injure himself further.

Before he could argue, a blade was shoved down into the ground through each shoulder as well; the prowler was pinned, and in a great deal of pain. His eyes teared and heels pressed against the ground. Ezio watched the man squirm for a moment or so, before shifting off to sit to the side. "..For every time that you refuse, I will bring you something unwanted.. that you will be forced to enjoy." The prowler's eyes turned back to the man. Forced to enjoy? His head slumped back against the ground, and body winced slightly. ".. I refuse!" He exclaimed once more; it was his order. Refuse no matter what the situation.

"Very well.." Ezio said patiently, as he reached downward to the prowler's chest, slipping his fingers into the man's upper clothing. Gently, so gently he swiped his fingers along the two small nipples; causing a slight jolt to the man. His face blushed up noticiby, and Ezio grinned at this. It was going to work, and he could enjoy the Prowler's embarrassment. Lupo however, only closed his eyes and bit onto his lip, still refusing. He didn't think the assassin would go much further than that; however, upon seeing the refual, Ezio closed his pointer and thumb onto one of the small erecting nipples, and began to toy with it. He laughed lightly upon seeing the prowler's legs raise at the knee in an attempt to hide a quickly growing problem.

Ezio's other hand lowered down and gently cupped over the area between the prowler's legs. He squeezed lightly, and smirked at the prowler's reaction of tensing up. Lupo's face was a bright red, and while he didn't want to, he knew his body was enjoying it. His eyes teared at the corners, and head tilted away; it was overly embarrassing. Though, Ezio thought it was almost cute. "All you have to do, to make this stop, is tell me where the Templari are meeting." Ezio said calmly, but the prowler shook his head. He was too embarrassed to even say no. A small frown drew onto the Assassin's face as he removed both hands from their places, and brought his thumbs and pointers to the lip of the templar's pants, only to tug them down slightly. The templar's eyes opened widely and turned down to watch this. Immediatly, he began to struggle again, lashing out one leg with the intent to kick to the Assassin-- however, Ezio slipped under it, bringing himself between the prowler's two legs. "N-no! Get away!" The man shouted to the assassino.

Ezio laughed at this attempt to be kicked away, and grabbed onto the man's knees, shoving them down. The prowler was already beginning to over-heat. He couldn't move, and he wanted to scream for help, but still no sign of guard was visible. Again, Ezio gripped the lip of the man's trousers, and tugged them downward, exposing the tender areas to the crisp air. He stared up at the prowler's face for a moment, that still showed nothing but embarrassment and refusal. A frown drew back to his face as he lifted the prowler's lower half, and slipped himself up closer between Lupo and his pants, entrapping himself in the spot. The prowler squirmed with the Assassin between his legs, though he couldn't get his pants off past his boots to be able to kick the man away.

The Assassin watched the prowler squirm for a few moments longer, before removing his gloves. His eyes turned downward to the templar's tender areas, debating on which would bring embarrassment faster to get the man to talk. A slim grin came across his face as he worked up a bit of saliva and spat onto his fingers. The templar, already watching, his face nearly begging for the torture to stop, gulped, watching the assassin's wettened fingers glide down, and out of sight between his legs, then shuddered upon feeling the wetness slide along his rear entrance. His mouth opened for a short moment, then immediately snapped shut, biting onto his lip.

Slowly Ezio pressed a single slickened finger into the hole, and in reaction to the pain, the prowler whimpered, though, the assassin didn't give any remorse. He pressed a second finger into the pinned templar, and began to rub at the inner walls gently. The Prowler's back arched in reaction and legs clamped tightly around the Assassin. "H--haa!--a!..S-stop!.." He begged, downright enjoying the feeling. This made Ezio's grin come back. The prowler was going to talk any second now, he could feel it. He thrust the two fingers deep, and felt around until he found the prostate, of which his fingers began to attack relentlessly.

The prowler tilted his head back, and squirmed, fighting as hard as he could to keep from moaning; to reject the pleasures. His fingers gripped at the ground, though the muscles in his arms clenched around the blades through them. "Stop!" The prowler shouted again, crackling in his pleas. "C-cazzo! Stop! Please..!" Ezio chuckled. "Tell me where they're meeting, and I will. Though... if you wait much longer, I will have to keep you here longer as well, whether you tell me or not." The prowler whined as Ezio's fingers jabbed against the tender spot, and a moan slipped out not long after.

A small sigh slipped from Ezio's lips. The prowler wasn't giving in so easily, as easily as he'd hoped, and it was beginning to cause a problem for himself as well. The sight of the Prowler's legs clamped around his sides, and the blush on his face, it was enough to remind him of a few women he'd pleased in the past. Lifting his opposite hand out, Ezio gripped gently onto the prowler's hardened member, and gently began to stroke along the length. He watched the man below, observing every small moment, even that of the prowler's eyes rolling back under the pleasure.

The prowler shuddered, and groaned. His hands trembled. Anyone could easily say that he was under the assassin's spell, and craving more, despite what his mind was burned to believe. Do not speak. Ezio let out a short, but low toned purr, it sounded like a purr to the prowler. " P-please.." Lupo whimpered, begging again. "Please sto--aaaaa..ah..-- stop..", but the Assassin refused, rubbing at the stiff shaft of the templar quickly, jerking and rubbing his thumb over the very tip. ".. Tell me." Ezio stated, and removed his fingers from the man's inside, only to press his hips up to Lupo's groin, and beginning to grind.

"The town square! When the bells chime four times..!" The prowler blurted out instantly upon feeling the Assassin's hardened member through his trousers. He didn't want it, not that far. Fingers were one thing, but having sex with another man, even forced, was out of the question. "The duke will be a-assassinated then!.." He spat out the words quickly, praying that this would get the Assassin to stop. His eyes turned to the man's face, Ezio's face. It was red on the shaded tanned cheeks, and he didn't seem to be stopping. Lupo's eyes went wide as he watched the Auditore's hands shift from his own body, to the rim of his pants, unlacing the ties, and pulling his member free. It was hard, and this made the prowler tense up ."-stop! .. I t-told you!.. Let me go...!" Ezio's eyes turned to the templar, and face pulled to a small frown. "You waited too long."

Lupo nearly gagged then. He twisted and squirmed against the blades in his shoulders and arms, and pressed his feet to the ground, kicking as best as he could, but to no avail, he couldn't get away in the least-- he could barely even struggle. "Aiuto! Help! Someone! P-please!.." He screamed, throwing his head back and arching himself. Ezio gripped at his own member, and positioned it at the exercised entrance. "No one is going to help you.." Ezio said quietly, beginning to press himself in. The prowler arched his back inward even more, desperately trying to get away, or at least make it more difficult to deter the assassin. "SOMEONE! AIUTO!.. PLEASE!" He screamed even louder, desperately trying to make himself heard as Ezio pressed himself in further, and further, forcing the rear entrance to mold around the member.

Ezio's eyes closed as a shudder went down his spine. He could feel the pulsations of himself, and of Lupo, but the screaming had to stop. After what seemed like a few long minutes, Ezio had pressed himself into the younger fully, making certain to hit the ever sensitive prostate. The prowler's eyes teared and a short moan escaped, but after, only sobs were flowing from his mouth, and from his expression. Tenderly, Ezio brought himself down, covering over the prowler almost fully. He pressed his lips to the man's neck, and bit lightly, while his right hand lifted to cover the man's mouth, at least until he quieted.

In a circular motion, Ezio began to grind against the prowler's groin, sending the smaller body up slightly, and letting it ease back down; though made sure not to press in any further, or pull out in the least just yet. His eyes watched the templar below him carefully; the man continued to sob lightly, though a small shudder occasionally showed through. Ezio's opposite hand returned to the other's member, and gently gripped, and began to rub at it again. "..Shh.." He cooed into the prowler's right ear, attempting to calm him down enough to stop screaming out. Lupo's eyes closed tightly, and a small tear rolled down his cheek.

In time, Ezio slowly began to pull his member from the entrance, and send it back in with a light thrust. The more he observed the other's body's movements caused by his own, the more he wanted to begin thrusting faster; but first was first, to calm the prowler, or even better, get him moaning again, rather than screaming or crying. After a moment or so, he pulled his hand away from Lupo's mouth, and slowly began to thrust faster.

A small grin came across Ezio's face. The prowler's cries and pleads had stopped, and were replaced with small, almost appreciative grunts. A small bit of pre-cum had beaded up at the tip of Lupo's member, and Ezio's thumb ran over it, spreading it around on the head of the erect part. Lupo's eyes opened, and turned downward. Upon his face was still a frown, but he was beginning to enjoy it. The feeling of the hot cock inside of him, pulsating and pressing against him. Upon relaxing some, the prowler's legs lightened up, and fell apart, and this caused a smirk to come across Ezio's face. He had more room to move now, and took advantage of this, pulling out just to the head of his member, and thrusting back in deeply. Lupo's head tilted back, and a moan slipped from his lips.

Lupo cringed slightly, however let his legs stay spread, relaxed. Ezio brought his face close to Lupo's, and pressed a tender kiss to the edge of the man's lips. He wasn't going to lie; Lupo's body felt good. Over heated, nearly soaking on the inside, and aching for more. "..Questo sentire bene?" Ezio questioned with a purr against the other's ear before continuing. "Voi, sentire stupefacente." The prowler's face turned to a bright blush at the compliment aimed at his body, though he gave no answer. Ezio grinned, the blush was enough to tell Ezio that it felt more than good. Lifting himself, Ezio placed a hand on either side of the prowler on the ground, and gently began to rock his hips back and forth, thrusting in and out of the tight entrance.

Slowly, more moans began to slip from the prowler's mouth. His eyes closed once more and head tilted back. Ezio's grin wore away once more as he thrusted against the younger quickly, causing a sharp slapping noise between the two. Lupo couldn't very well say that he didn't enjoy it, he was so close to his climax, and was almost anxious now to get there. Tilting his head back some, Ezio pressed his hands to the ground to get up onto his knees. He gripped under the prowler's thighs, and lifted up the man's rear end, before thrusting even more harshly into the smaller body.

Within a few short moments, Ezio thrust himself deep inside of the prowler-- this caused Lupo to cringe. It hurt a bit-- but at the same time, the thrust was enough to send him over the edge. He groaned lightly-- and the clenching of the muscles sent Ezio into a spasm as well, releasing his own load into the prowler, filling him as much as he possibly could. The church's bell hadn't rung yet, but being so close to the center of town, he had time to get where he needed to from the first chime. Slowly, he pulled out of the prowler, and with that, a bit of cum rolled out behind it, dripping onto the ground. He lifted the prowler's legs higher, and slipped out from between the body, and the clothing, to tug the pants back upward onto the prowler's form, tucking in the clothing as if nothing had happened. As well, he tucked himself back in, and redid his clothing to fit normally again.

The pinned Lupo stared up at the Assassin quietly now. He appeared broken, almost spiritless, but this did not deter Ezio's mind from what he had to do next. Crouching next to the prowler, he leaned down and placed a small kiss onto his lips, and withdrew shortly after upon receiving no reaction from the man. And while he knew it was wrong, he couldn't risk the slim chance that the prowler wouldn't go report this. "Mi dispiace." Ezio said quietly. "Requiescat in pace..." Lupo's eyes opened widely at these words. .. Rest in peace? But he wasn'---- a sharp pain in his stomach. His eyes teared as he stared up at the man. His right hand lifted, and grasped onto the Assassin's wrist, clenching. Ezio only watched this, he understood that it hurt, but wouldn't for very long. Lupo went limp then, but his eyes continued to stare up at the man. "Relax.." Ezio said quietly, withdrawing the blade as blood began to drip from the prowler's mouth. It wasn't much longer before the templar's eyes rolled back, and pulse came to a stop. Around the laying body, and his own feet, blood began to pool. Ezio closed the templar's eyes, and stood, lifting the corpse up, unpinning it from the ground. His eyes turned around, and spotted the canal. It was horrible, but he couldn't let the body be seen. Stepping to the canal, he crouched, and gently placed the body into the water. The armor pulled the corpse down, and the Assassin stood, fleeing the area in a hurry to get to the town square, leaving the body to the ocean.
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OLD FANFIC REQUEST. Lupo/Ezio (♂♂ = 18+ only. M for Sex and Violence. :U )
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